
The Sierra Club: “Oil and Gas Companies Routinely Frack With ‘Trade Secret’ Chemicals, Including PFAS”
In the magazine “Sierra”, the Sierra Club covers PSR’s shocking investigative report about the use of toxic PFAS and other unknown chemicals protected as “trade secrets” that are widely used in fracking in Colorado.

NEW PSR REPORT: Oil and Gas Companies Withheld Fracking Chemical Identities from Public in More than 12,000 Colorado Wells over Past Decade; Interactive Map Shows Locations
A new report from Physicians for Social Responsibility shows previously unpublicized use of PFAS (“Forever Chemicals”) in fracking in Colorado between 2011 – 2021, but gaps in chemical disclosure rules limit the public’s ability to know full extent of use.
Colorado law currently allows oil and gas companies to withhold fracking chemical identities from the public and from regulators by claiming them as “trade secrets.” As the report documents, companies have utilized that provision thousands of times to avoid disclosing exactly what chemicals they use. This secrecy prevents the public from knowing how widely PFAS – or other toxic chemicals – have been used in oil and gas wells, raising concerns that Coloradans are unknowingly exposed to dangerous hazardous substances.